

Caroline Jackman on LinkedIn

Business consultant, coach and trainer for the creative industries

Do you find yourself in January business blues?

I recommend two things that will start to help find the solutions
1: Agility
How can you be agile with the resources you have?

2. What is the elephant in the room?
Facing the obvious issue or problem (the elephant), is one of the bravest steps you can make.
People avoid it.
People circumnavigate it.
But facing it, owning it, can be your superpower.

What does this all mean?
A coach can help you pose pertinent questions, with teams or individuals.
They can help you face your challenges and find realistic solutions to help you overcome them.
DM me for more information and a free, no obligation initial consultation.

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Need some top tips for your business this January?

This New Year, have you …
- Created a New Year resolution?
- Set some business goals?
- Been inspired and thought ‘this is the year for greatness’

You are not alone
I am an eternal optimist

My little festive break, though crazy busy, was enough of a circuit breaker to find a new energy to embrace 2025.

Whilst aspirations are good
Some practicalities are worth considering.

Here are some top tips I recommend you make a cuppa have a good think over:

1. Don’t ignore the business.
I first heard these wise words from Sean Sutcliffe from BENCHMARK furniture who was sharing wise words of how his business has remained resilient in even the most turbulent of times.  Whilst a risk register or scrutiny of the finances may be boring, they are vital.

2. If you cannot afford to lose, don’t do it.
These wise words came from an amazing financial advisor.  To first understand loss, you need to understand gain and it is not just monetary.

3. Not everything has to be done at once.
This is passing on my mantra, and I have learned this the hard way.  There is always a choice, but to choose is to look ahead, reflect back and from this you can focus on the here and now.

If you are looking for an injection of support this New Year, DM me to book a free ½ hour, no obligation chat on how coaching can support you and your business this year.

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How do you feel today in comparison to a year ago?

This came up in conversation  with my friend earlier this week.

I am not going to deny, it has been a challenging year, especially the past few weeks.

I loved my friend's reflection.  Despite their own challenges, they saw the year through a positive lens.

I spun my stressed brain into a positive thread of great conversations, new connections, achievements, laughter and most importantly, hugs!

I am going to enjoy my festive break, and see it as a circuit breaker.

I hope you do too.

If you are struggling, take your day hour by hour.

And with a final note, from the wise words of Simon Sinek
, give a friend a call, even just 8 minutes of your time this Christmas can be transformative.

I look forward to seeing you in 2025.

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Do you want to know how to write a competitive grant application?

This is not unusual.

Writing grant applications can be a daunting task.

Artists and makers often say to me that it is just too hard.

It is hard to get a grant, in some cases 15% chance.

It is therefore so important to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timebound).

I encourage people to try and look at things from a different perspective, from the funders point of view.

They are funders for a reason, they want to give you money.

They have a core focus on what they will support and offer a criteria to follow.

Here are 3 top tips to get you started:
- Read the criteria, if you do not fit, do not waste your time or the funders in applying.
- When writing your description for your project, start with what you are going to do, not how you are going to do it.
- Allow enough time for someone else to read your draft before you apply, it is hard to spot your own mistakes.

Need more help?

Coaching can draw out the strong narrative in you to make your grant application relevant and competitive.
DM me to book a free ½ hour consultation.

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Do you consider yourself a good leader?

I have been following McKinsey & Company for a while now. I find their insights trigger my thoughts in a proactive way.

One of their recent bulletins really resonated with me and my values, in how I like to work with others and what drives my purpose:

‘All leaders, to a certain degree, do the same thing. Whether you’re talking about an executive, sports coach, or schoolteacher, leadership is enabling others to accomplish something they couldn’t do on their own. Some people in formal leadership positions are poor leaders, and many good leaders have no formal authority. In this sense, leadership is something you do and not something you are. It is a person’s actions, rather than their words or job title, that inspire trust and commitment.’

Who inspires your trust and commitment?

Are you looking to develop your skills as a leader?

For me, strength in leadership comes from strength in openness, curiosity and authenticity.

Coaching can build your confidence as a leader, DM me to find our more

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Worried your business is not energy efficient?

This is a question I have asked myself recently.  Whilst I like to think I am doing well, I am testing this theory.

I have signed up to an Environmentally Sustainability course (remote) with Lincoln College.

I am curious about what I already know; what more can I learn and what more can I do to reduce my impact and help others to do the same.

It is all about better management and new perspectives.

To have better management, you need knowledge, systems, experts, financial scrutiny and SMART targets.

Where to start with your business?
- Do an energy audit of your business, so you have a benchmark to measure progress.
- Start making small changes, these can make a difference to the bottom line.
- There is lots of free training available, what is next for you?
- Be Curious and open, this will broaden your ideas and perspectives.

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What do you need to change to help your business go forward?

This is a question I ask myself in my own work and with those I work with.

Change is not for change's sake, that is very important.

Change is many things.

To best understand what you need, first you need to know where you have come from and where you are now.

I like to think change is simply not standing still.

Here are 3 questions to consider when you think of change:
- What do you feel is not working well in your business?
- Who can you talk to that will help you step outside of your challenges and see solutions?
- What will happen if you do nothing?

Need support?
DM me for a free ½ hour consultation to make the first step in unlocking barriers.
As a coach, I can help you understand the barriers in your way, help you find realistic solutions and an achievable plan that will make a positive impact.
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How does it feel to be given insight from someone you admire?

For me, I feel inspired, I feel like a sponge wanting to absorb more.

That is why, when running training workshops for artists and makers, I look to those role models who can share their perspectives of running a professional career in their chosen specialism.

This week, I was with year 2 West Dean College students.  A massive thank you to David Squirrell, bookbinder from Ink & Page; Tom Galt, furniture maker; Brendan O’Gorman, guitar maker; Eliza Rose Smith, jewellery designer and automata designer; Geoff Allnutt and Jeremy Dodd, Horologists (clock and watch makers).

Three top tips:
- Value your time.
- Get to know people in your industry.
- Make the best use of your personal skills and see where they take you.

To be successful in business, no matter the sector, no matter the scale, you cannot do this in isolation.  A massive thank you to these individuals for sharing their stories with the next generation or bookbinders, horologists, musical instrument makers and furniture makers.

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How does it feel to help someone?
I love to see how others can be energised, simply by being heard.

Mentoring, coaching or simply being there for a friend or stranger can be transformational for them and for you.

I regularly offer coaching in creative and business development.

It benefits me too.

I am always developing my knowledge and connections, and that never stops, especially when you run your own business.

I am a mentor for Arts Emergency, business consultant for the selected hashtagCollectOpen makers for Crafts Council and now, I am super proud to have been selected by British Ceramics Biennial to be a mentor for their hashtagTalentDevelopment programme.

The first session has already been scheduled and I cannot wait to get started.
If you're sending work to Europe, here's what you should know about customs:

Simply put, the role of Customs is to track all products coming in and out of the UK. They protect the economy, ensure compliance with laws, check for prohibited or restricted goods, verify compliance with safety, health, and environmental rules, and calculate customs duties.

When you want to export:
- To send your work to Europe will take time and will cost you money.
- The reward is an expanded market for your work.

There are two main options:
- Putting work into free circulation, where you pay import tax to sell in a different market.
- The second is to temporary export, where the intent is to bring the work back to the UK, and this licence gives you permission to do so.

Three things to have in mind when you export:
1. Create a commercial invoice to determine the true value of your goods when assessing customs duties.
2. Have a separate packing list, including invoice number, itemised details of each product, image of each product, weights, custom tariff.  Description is key, be specific, assume the customs officer knows nothing about the materials you use and include packing materials description.
3. Where is the work destined for?  Have full details of the buyer or recipient if it's a gallery or a seller.  Confirm in advance the responsibilities in which you play for sending work and if you are expecting it to be returned.  Include handling and packaging information, do not assume someone else knows how to handle or package your work to avoid any damage.

There are templates and further instructions in the International Toolkit and Temporary Export Guide, created by myself and Toyin Laketu
for the Crafts Council.
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Spotted an art fair you want to get picked for?  Want to get selected for your next exhibition?

Not sure where to start?

Here are 5 top tips
1 - Develop a collection of work. Build a cohesive creative voice through your work.
2 - Take good images.  Keep it consistent. If you don’t know how, invest in learning or paying for help.
3 - Curate your social media presence, keep it professional.
4 - Research and build a list of galleries and opportunities that align with your style and price range.
5 - Invest in a website. Look to other artists and makers for inspiration, keep it simple.

It is not easy.  I can get you down to get knock backs.

But it can be so rewarding when you gain the successes.

Need more support?

Reach out to your peers or consider coaching.  DM ‘SELECT’ to have a free ½ hour chat.

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The one question every craft entrepreneur must be able to answer:
Reflecting back, what are you proud of?

I posed this same question to 30 craft entrepreneurs who completed my business training.

- Not being afraid of finances
- The confidence to reach out
- To know my day rate
- Not to be afraid and believe in myself

When looking back on how far you have come
What are you most proud of?

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How can you sustain an art practice for 25 years? HAYON JAIME knows how.    ‘It’s about creating a discussion with your client’

Simple yet effective.  Jaime was this year's keynote at the London Design Festival Victoria and Albert Museum programme .

He has built one of the most recognisable visual language aesthetics through his designs, interiors, urban installations, sculptures, and paintings.

How can you create a discussion with your clients?
- Be curious
- Listen
- Inspire

LDF is on until 25 September, and there are plenty more moments to inspire you to take action with your own businesses
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Creatives often face the challenge of finding time to develop their work. The phrase 'I don’t have the time' resonates with many of us in the creative industry.

Time is indeed a precious commodity, especially when dealing with pressing priorities. But, is it easier to say 'I don’t have the time' rather than 'I will make the time'? As creatives, the struggle is real, but making time for our craft is crucial.

As a fellow creative navigating a busy life, I understand the struggle.

Despite the challenges, I make the time for my creative pursuits. Just last month, I committed to doing 3 sketches in a week. This month, I've challenged myself to capture 3 images of a familiar place using different effects. These seemingly small tasks keep me moving forward and often spark new ideas and projects.

What small step can you take today to advance your creative practice?

Finding moments to push yourself forward is essential for growth and development in the creative industries. Let's make time for our passion and continue to hone our skills.

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September is a big month for most of us.

The creative industries events calendar is packed and the choice is wonderful.

So how do you choose?
How do you prioritise?
Ever have the FOMO?

The truth is you cannot do it all.

I often hear from creatives outside of London feeling disconnected from buzz.

I am going to let you into a secret.  It does not matter.

What you do need to do is make what you do matter.  Rather than focus on what you are not doing.

Need some help?  Book now for a free consultation with me this Friday using this link:

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How to Connect with Global Audiences in the Craft Industry 🌍

Feeling invisible despite all your craft experience? You’re not alone.

Many craft entrepreneurs go unnoticed on a global scale, and it’s not because of the quality of their work.

It all comes down to marketing..

If you want to showcase your talent in the acquisitions market, bear these questions in mind:

Who are you trying to reach?

Understanding your audience is the first step. Are they collectors, casual buyers, or art enthusiasts?

Why are they buying?

There’s a reason people purchase art. It’s either the craftsmanship, the story behind the piece or maybe even investment potential.

How does your work meet their needs?

Position your work as the answer to their reason for buying, and make it clear how you stand out.

Step 1: Understand your audience.
Step 2: Identify what they’re looking for.
Step 3: Show how your craft meets that need.

The right marketing connects you with the right buyers.

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The 3-Step Framework For Craft Business Growth

30+ craft entrepreneurs have implemented this simple 3-step framework, and the results have been outstanding!

Here’s a quick overview:


Understand what drives you and why it’s important. You have to understand this before you can move forward.


You don’t want to become another statistic, so set your specific money targets and understand how you’ll reach each one.


Sure there are people who love AI-generated art, but you’re not talking to them. Target your “tribe”.

The goal of these questions? To help you build a successful craft business.
Give it a try and grow your start growing your business the right way.

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The Truth About Networking in the Craft Industry

It’s easy to get absorbed in the creative process and forget vital areas of business.
And while some creatives avoid networking altogether, others think it’s just about adding new contacts.

In reality, networking is actually about:
- Finding collaborators
- Discovering new clients
- Growing your knowledge
- And gaining insights to grow your business.

There’s hardly anything more powerful that will make or break your craft business.

So give networking a go and watch the doors of opportunity open up for you!

Has networking influenced your craft business? Share your tips in the comments below!
I often hear people say, 'I am not creative, I cannot even draw a stick man'
Does this resonate?

Someone's creativity is not down to how well they can draw a representative image. It is down to the ability to problem solve, be curious, think laterally, take risks and not be afraid of failure.

Does this resonate?

If yes, you are creative.

Funding for creative organisations and individuals leads to:
- innovation,
- provides opportunities leading creative facilitators to help the next generation to take risks and excel,
- provide well being experiences to the vulnerable or isolated

These are just 3 examples. We need to invest in creativity.... in creative education
Ever feel like you’re constantly justifying your craft prices?

We’ve all been there.

A customer offers a very generous price, but you feel guilty and slash it down.
The problem with underpricing your work is you’re telling the world your art isn’t worth much.

Ultimately, you’re hurting your whole business.

Bringing money in doesn’t just grow your bottom line, it keeps your creative dream alive.

It’s easy to get caught up with what you think clients are willing to pay.

But only you know the time, dedication and passion behind each craft. That’s why you should state your price with confidence.

By reassessing your pricing and respecting your craft’s value, cash flow becomes a solved problem in your business.

So, next time you’re tempted to sell yourself short just remember this:

Your work is valuable, let your price reflect that.

P.S. If you’re struggling to price your work, DM we with the word “PRICE” for a free 45-minute consultation this August.
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‘Should I enter this show?’

A common question asked of me in relation to many opportunities that present themselves to artists.

I first ask, what if we remove the word ‘should’?

How do you feel now about the opportunity?

We unpick it together and identify whether it is an appropriate opportunity for this artist to focus on.

If a no, then what would be the alternative?

Using more open questions to unpick any untrue limiting assumptions, the artist can start to plan their pathway.

Do you need help with your path?

DM me for a free ½ hour consultation, with the word “PATH”

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Why Every Craft Entrepreneur Needs A Business Plan (And How To Create One That Works)

Starting a craft business without a clear plan is like flying blind. Your chances of getting to your destination without one are slim to none.

Most craft entrepreneurs would agree, but they go about creating a business plan the wrong way.

They either:

- Try and create one alone
- Consult with a business expert who doesn’t understand the creative industry

This leads to spending less time on your creative work and listening to advice that doesn’t suit you.

As a result, many craft entrepreneurs feel overlooked and misunderstood.

If you want to transform your craft idea into a successful business, you need a proven framework tailored to the industry’s unique demands.

DM me the word 'PLAN' and I’ll share the three key questions your business plan must answer to make an impact in the creative industry.

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Want to turn a craft idea into a memorable project, but can’t figure out how?

For artists and makers just starting out, this is a common frustration.

Without a space to share creativity with like minds, many have shared their feelings of self-doubt with me around the work they produce.

That’s why I created the hashtagMakeGrowFlourish (MGF) program for European Crafts Alliance, bringing 30 craft entrepreneurs together from across Europe.

This gave them the freedom to:
- Support each others’ campaigns
- Seek advice from fellow creatives
- Discuss what’s working and how to apply it

The result?

Connectivity and collaboration.

“MGF allowed me to think far beyond my own business to collaborations and bigger projects that opened up new avenues of thought and collaboration….” Alexandra Cardinal von Widdern, UK

Even if you don’t have access to programs like MGF, there are other sources of creative growth:
- People you’ve trained with
- Former work colleagues
- Makers you’ve shared a studio or exhibited alongside

Reach out and connect! You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what a friendly conversation can spark.

P.S. Want to turn your craft idea into a project everyone talks about?
I’m offering a free 30-minute consultation to people who get in touch within the next 48 hours, so DM me the word “CREATIVE” and let’s turn your craft idea into something amazing!

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Thank you Julia Steketee
There’s a common mistake I see Creatives make when starting their business.

It’s the reason they never earn true recognition for their talent, and why owning a flourishing business seems like just a dream.

We’re often taught to look at successful businesses and follow in their footsteps, but here’s an overlooked fact about those we look up to:

What they’re doing in business now isn’t what they did during their growth phase.

The Makers who don’t take this into account end up:
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Unable to see past the daily “fog” of business activity
- Paralysed and anxious about what to do next

At each stage of your creative business growth you need to know which questions to ask, and more importantly…

…the questions which apply to your unique situation.

This is why you need to know:
- What works best for your specific stage of creative business growth
- How to turn complex business strategies into simple, easy-to-use action steps
- The mistakes that keep most creative start-ups stuck (and how to avoid them)

‘MGF has provided me with loads of tips and tricks on how to grow my business in a realistic, ambitious and focused way! It has given me a lot of clarity, confidence, and the opportunity to sit down and make some important decisions!’ Julia Steketee, Spain

If you want to know the next step to take on your business journey, DM me with the word “MAKER” and let’s get you on the right path to a flourishing business.
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